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Complete each sentece with the correct verb. Use the simple  present tense.

Complete each sentence with the correct verb. Use the present simple tense. (drive-teach-sing-dance-play-manage-collect-paint-wash-put out).

Complete each sentence with the correct verb. Use the present simple tense. (drive-teach-sing-dance-play-manage-collect-paint-wash-put out).

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
1. Mary is a taxi driver. She a taxi.

2. Stuart is a Spanish teacher. He Spanish.

3. Maria Domingo is a singer. She .

4. Nasson Morona is a dancer. He .

5. Bill Brigth is a baseball player. He baseball.

6. Shirley Simpsom is a bank manager. She a bank.

7. Sam a Victor are trash collectors. They trash.

8. Margaret and Phil are house painters. They houses.

9. Lou is a window washer. He windows.

10. Oscar, Tom and Steve are firefighters. They fires.

46 comentarios:

  1. Several times i forget to put the verb in 3th person but I could remember it xd

    1. Don´t Worry Koni, Sometimes pass that

    2. i am very happy my score was 100% thiS gives me more strenth to go on in this class thanks my dear PACHO GOD BESS YOU

  2. God put the s to all the phrases! If not the 100 jeje

  3. Thank you very much, Francisco, for this exercise. But I think it's a verbal revision lower than intermediate level, however, it's necessary in order to learn different kinda professions or jobs. Thanks again and have a nice day!

  4. No was so easy but this challenge is good for remember thank you so much teacher

  5. This exercise is very good, everyone would get 100%, thanks a lot.

  6. I'm very happy for your each class very easy the best and can understand everything thanks so much

  7. this is my second day studying with Pacho8a and I'm fascinated for every thing that he does to let me understand the lessons. thank you so much Pacho.

  8. Good exercise, I like so much. But I didn’t remember how say manager in present simple 😱😱😱😂😂😂😡😭😭 greetings everyone.

  9. hola Pacho, siempre cometo el mismo error. me olvido de ahragar la (s) a la tercera persona del singular

  10. Hi! Those exercises were quite good. I like your vidoes Pacho. Keep it up. Thanks a lot.

  11. Muchas gracias, excelentes ejercicios

  12. This one is great. Thank you pancho.

  13. thanks Pacho, I'm learning more every day with your help.

  14. Disculpe pero no entendí que es lo que debo rellenar en el espacio vació.

    1. Tenías que acomodar las palabras que puso en negritas en la parte superior, y colocarlas cada una en la oración correcta utilizando los verbos tercera persona del SHE/HE con terminaciones en s,es :D

  15. How should I answer the last exercse? I realy don't know. What does a firefighter do? I prove with "fight", with "turn off" fire; but what is the expresonin English say that?

  16. This is very well for this level, because it's well to remember last concepts.

  17. the best course T have ever taken.. very good! thanks pacho.

  18. Tuve muchos errores, olvide las reglas por completo, mil gracias profe por estas herramientas.

  19. Hello teacher, bless you. Thank you very much for your classes teacher. I am very excited to that your lessons.

  20. pacho querido!!!!!! en la lista de verbos que descargue la palabra manage figura en 3ra. persona sin la letra "s". (fe de errata)

  21. The word manager in the list of 400 verbs in the third person appears "manage", that is, without the "s" of the 3rd person singular

  22. al principio no entendí el ejercicio. tuve algunas faltas. luego corregí. muchas gracias

  23. I move forward in this idiom thanks to you pacho

  24. Thanks Pacho, I' ve been learning much these exercises were difficult at first because I didn't understand them, but then it was easy

  25. This is amazing, thanks a lot for this , I 've learning much with each class . I got 95% because for a small mistake

  26. Thank you teacher , your teaching are awesome , I've learned a lot with you.


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